Saturday, October 31, 2009

good things and bad

tomorrow i start training for self-care in dialysis. they had tried to arrange evening sessions, but this wasn't possible, so i am taking some annual leave.

this also means a chnage of days for the next two-three weeks, so i am going on monday, wednesday and friday afternoons at one.

this is good. i should get home by about six, and to bed at a decent hour.
plus, i get weekends, even if i will be too tired and drained to do anything on a sturday night.

there are two worries, though.
firstly, all dialysis is done in a chair, and the last three times i've used a chair, i've gone flat. the last time i vomited. i hope that the fact that i haven't had to take off that much fluid would address this.

the second concern is learning to needle myself. the nurse techs have two hands and are looking straight at my arm and they still occasionally manage to hurt me. i'll have one hand and will be looking at it upside down.

still, here goes


  1. Hope it goes well. Does this ean home dialysis or more mobility as you can go into the ward and do it yourself?

  2. You've been quiet. What's been happening

  3. H. No posts for a while. You doin' OK?


  4. huaaaaahaaa.. gak tau mw comment apa... hehe
