Sunday, October 18, 2009


todays scandal du jour

the bit that has worried some people is this:

"Why are we fighting whakapapa against whakapapa? There's so much enemy that is not brown."

was the minister of maori affairs really advocating that gangs start a race war?

or is the result of lazy journalisim that forgot to publish what he meant or the full context of the quote.

i suspect the latter, or else the headline would have read "KILL WHITEY SAYS MINISTER"

this was discussed on natrad today with criminolgist (and ex-con) greg newbold. he suggested that the summit wouldn't make a difference to the supply of p and the gands are essentially anarchic. whatever committments the gang leaders make will be largely ignored by the rank and file

stillit makes it look that sharples is at least trying to do something

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. The quote that grabbed my attention was "They are our children and our nephews." You don't ignore that.
