Thursday, April 9, 2009

I smell winter

so, it's 1.30 and i'm sitting at my desk wondering whether to start one big job, or do a bunch of small ones when the dialysis unit rings me. they say that someone on the afternoon shift hasn't turned up, so do i want to take the early slot.

resisting the urge to ask if i can just not turn up too, i say that i will take it.

my estimation that i would be there is 45 minutes turned out to be a little optimistic; a combination of people leaving early for the long weekend and rain turned the motorway into a slow moving river, and once i got there, largely due to a blood pressure machine that just wasn't working properly (79/36 with a pulse of 240 my arse) i didn't get on until 3.

not a bad session, although the bottom needle wasn't sitting properly and so fell out when they took off the sticky tape, i got a good clearance-brief cramp but was nowhere close to going flat.

i got out at quarter past seven. the rush hour was just about over and the temperature had dropped so that when i breathed in, i could taste the oncoming winter.

ironic that the one thursday when it did't matter what time i came off, i got home early

have a happy easter


  1. I love the Kiwi Easter and the smell of autumn chill. Even now I find myself drawn to the Domain to go kicking through leaves, a tradition which I held way into my 30s.

  2. i know what you mean. o've just gotten back from corwall park where i had a good scuff through the leaves
