Sunday, April 26, 2009


its now quarter past six on a monday eveing and all 6pm new bulletin so far has been about the swine flu. the story has, of course dominated news throughout the day.

the goverment have asked that anyone who has been to mexico lately and are showing flu-like symptoms are to wander along to their and get tested

an expert from WHO has said that while there is no need to panic, this new strain of flu could decimate the human race

and yet, people seem remakably unconcerned. after all, the millenium bug, sars, bird flu, muslim terrorists and robot cockroaches from venus were also supposed to kill us all. the reaction to this new threat is being greeted with a sardonic "yeah, right"

after all this flu hasn't killed any new zealander yet. 14 people died in car accidents this weekend

1 comment:

  1. And yet we live in a world with constant messages about potential threat - health and safety messages, exhortations to eat/exercise/live right to avoid illness, remain vigilant to terrorist threat and possible criminal activity as well beware the effects of the recession. Could this be just another brick in the wall of the risk society?

    That said, had lunch with an academic specialising in Death and Dying studies the other day. She said that we are well overdue for another pandemic ...
