Saturday, May 9, 2009

i've been cinematically violated

i intended to note the death of don deluise, largely becasue of his work as one of mel brooks' stock company in the seventies, although it seems that most of the tributes focused on his performance in "cannonball run"

however, i discussing his death with rob, i remebered that he had appeared in a truly horrendous film called "the silence of the hams". yes, its a parody film and for a long time, i considered up there wikth sister act 2 as one of the worst films ever made.

then yesterday, i saw the first 40 minutes of "meet the spartans" ( idin't see the rest as i had to go to dialysis".

yes, i get the joke, the spartans were repressed homosexuals, homosexuality is funny, reality tv shows are funny, celebreties are funny, farting is funny, ripping off other people is funny.

i disagree. i did not laugh once. i almost vomited, but i did not laugh once.

compared to eatching this film, having two ten inch needles shoved into my arm came as an absolute delight.

the saddest thing about this fil? accoring to wikipedia, it grossed $84 million dollars.


  1. I didn't realise he had died. That explains his presence in The Daily Show's 'Moment of Zen'. He has barely registered on me as a performer and after your post, not one I want to learn more about.

  2. compared with the other performers in the brooks movies he hardly stands out-can you remember him in blazing saddles? (he was the director of the musical at the end)
    the only reason i remember him from silence of the hams is that it was such a horrible, horrible movie.
    not all bad memories are repressed
