Wednesday, February 25, 2009

happy anniversary

according to three news, it is the thirtieth year since bar codes were first used in new zealand.

when i was working part time at woolworths, they weren't using them and i had my own pricegun, which was always short of ink. and we always had a few people who would peel the stickers off cheaper products and put them on more expensive ones

apparently the bar codes are more effecient-meaning that a checkout opertaor can get therough a shopper 20% quicker
however, i've found that you can take that long easily just by trying to find the price of an item

incindentally, the prduct that has the bar code that supposedly maks the sign of devil is bag of tofu

1 comment:

  1. They seem to be dragging their feet on having these imprinted onto our body though ...
